7 bloggers I like reading

  1. Nicholas Bate of Strategic Edge: Bate has a unique style of creating contexts with numbers. Very quantitative. For example 2011: Year of Transformation 100/25.
  2. Dan McCarthy of Great Leadership: All about leadership and management. The host of the Leadership Development Carnival.  A recent must-read:  What Trust And Integrity Mean to Rewards and Recognition, right here.
  3. Rajesh Setty of Life Beyond Code: Very concise. Straight from the gut. Great at writing mini-sagas. See one right here on What happens when emotions take over.
  4. Michael Wade of Execupundit: Very few words yet very deep.  On how time matters.
  5. Tanmay Vora of QAspire: All about quality, management, and leadership; the man of processes and a cool friend. See his recent thoughts on Value and Waste.
  6. Josh Nankivel of PM Student: Runs one of the most popular blogs on Project Management. Helps new and aspiring project managers to achieve their career goals through various publications and training courses.  Here’s a must read on How to move ahead without killing yourself!
  7. Skip Angel of BigVisible: Agile Coach and trainer. Offers very practical experiences. For example, here he is on a very important point which is sometimes forgotten in the typical ‘Command and Control’ kind of organizations – Abusing resources.

I thank all of these bloggers for helping me in my learning journey.