Be like whale

Recently I watched a video about Great White Sharks Vs. Killer Whales.

The video led me to this thought: Given a choice, whose style would we like to adapt to attack the problems on our plater?

Of Great White Shark or Killer Whale?

Both have strength. Both rule the sea. Both hunt.

Both the creatures hunt but with totally different styles.

Shark: Unplanned hunting with surprise attacks. Full of instinct. Ad-hoc.
Whale: Create strategies. Plans. Inspects and adapts. Learns new behaviors and practices it well beforehand and then attacks. Strategic.

While I understand that one should be able to adapt to any style that helps but each one of us would have a “default” style through which we operate.

More often than not, each one of us would have a preference of behaving like one particular style over the other. Shark over Whale or Whale over Shark. I do have my preference…and that’s to be like a whale.

Want to know why? Read on…

Why I would like to adapt to the Whale’s Style

I like creating a strategy and get clear about what the outcome will look like. This habit is probably because of my background in Chess. I don’t need absolute CLARITY prior to starting the work…partial clarity, uncertainties and changing needs…all such things are part of the game but If I am powered by some strategy, I feel better. So many times when creating a strategy is not feasible,  I have worked with only one strategy that is to have no strategy!

Having no strategy but knowing that you do not have a strategy is also a strategy, isn’t it so?. Much like Whale. Here’re some of the traits that we can learn from Whale:

1. Some strategy

All strategy and no play won’t make you a winner. All play and no strategy or plan will lead to even worse disasters. Wiser is to learn to have some strategy. It doesn’t have to be a perfect strategy, just one that helps to take some actions.

2. Just enough planning

All plan and no execution wouldn’t work. Only execution and no plan will be too volatile. Just enough planning to move you forward will work.

3. Be result oriented

Be result oriented, not result focused. If we focus on end-result, then we indirectly lose focus on doing things that bring us results. Focusing on results and focusing on doing things that lead to results are two distinct things.

4. Inspect and adapt

The fittest not only survives but thrives. The secret to good health (of anything) is proportionate to one’s ability to inspect and adapt to changing situations.

5. Teach your tribe

Alone one may climb mountains, together the team can move the mountains. If you teach your tribe…your team what you know and seek to learn from their experiences too… you too can move the mountains.

Don’t you want to move to the mountains and make a difference?

Be a team player, be a team leader whenever needed and be a great follower when that is beneficial to the whole flock.

Why I would like to avoid how Shark acts?

Sharks are self-centered, operate in their own silos and shoot in the dark. Often attack surprisingly where there is more of disasters. They don’t believe much in planning, be result focused, seldom inspect or adapt and don’t believe in being a good team player.

Well, there are times when a surprise attack may be a good tool but not always.

Given a choice, you would like to learn from whose style? Shark or Whale? Why?