Your business distinction

Distinguish the distinctions of your business no matter what your business is.

Leading a Business is unlike any other role of an organization because it’s always unique.

Unstructured, unpredictable, atypical…typically, a right brain activity.

No predefined set of rules or guidelines are much of help because everyone leads their business differently, and the only thing flourishing business leaders have in common is that they are flourishing. 😀

The only way you and your organization is going to make a difference in the market is the way you lead.

Not by reading leadership books, attending some leadership courses or following external consultant/expert’s advice.

What works for you and your market might not work for other business leaders or their market.  It’s like playing your own inning of your chosen game.

In business, create or find your distinction because business is not a Ph.D. thesis that can be copied from somewhere.