9 Steps to deal with bad management

Nothing has more power to turn a good performer into a mediocre professional than bad management.

Still, there is not a dearth of practices that can be classified as ‘Bad Management’ practices.

No one would say that he is leaving the organization because of the bad management practices. They will give reasons such as better pay or more challenging work etc. but listen to their unofficial talks: in more cases than not, the cause for leaving the company is nothing but bad management.

We all know this. The management has power over subordinates. It can change subordinates’ work situation, give the tasks of their like or dislike and can fire you. That’s why the quality relationship with the management becomes important for a worker/employee.

As a worker, it’s not true that you’re powerless. If the management is bad then you can do something about it. In many cases, management would appreciate genuine feedback and take necessary actions.

Here are the steps you must take, to deal with bad management:

    1. Presuppose good intentions: If you become unhappy with a  certain management decision, first empathize with the management. In most cases, they have better intentions for everyone at work and the short term unease might be necessary to serve a greater goal of the company. It would be wise to presuppose that the management has good intentions unless proved otherwise.
    2. Categorize your management: In which of the following categories your management falls?
      1. They don’t know what they don’t know: they do not know that they are bad;
      2. They know what they don’t know: they know that they are bad and want to improve;
      3. They don’t know what they don’t know and they don’t want to know what they don’t know: simply, they don’t care!

If your management falls in the first two categories; you have good chances that it the situation will be better sooner than later.

But if it is the third one, ask them whether they would care and follow up.

What if you get indistinct responses?

Ask yourself this: Why the hell are you in this organization for? Just for money? Find the alternative as soon as you can and move on.

  1. Let the management know that they can do better: Assuming that the management is in category 1 or 2, you have to let them know of their improvement areas. This can be spine-chilling because of the power imbalance between the management and employees, but it has to be done. Nobody in management is a mind-reader and it strives for genuine feedback.
  2. Don’t wait; act: If you have a bad relationship with management then it is important that you do something as soon as possible. Waiting does not work here, be proactive instead.
  3. Pick the right time to talk: Joint client calls, middle of the meetings or annual functions parties are not a good time to speak about such issues. Make sure you have a place and time when you don’t get any disturbance.
  4. Explain its impacts: Explain exactly what is making you think that the management is bad. If you can show how their actions de-motivate you, you’re more likely to persuade the management that this is a serious event.
  5. F=C, P=S: If you have Frustrations then Communicate; if you have Problems then convert them into Solutions. Tell the management what can be done as an alternate or better with due reasons.
  6. Applaud when it gets right: When the management does it right, admire them. Often, the management never receives admiration just because their employees feel that only they can receive admiration; not management.
  7. If nothing works, get the hell out: If you have done everything and it still doesn’t work, find another organization where you think you would enjoy the work. Walk forward.

Don’t think that you have got bad management just because you are unlucky or alike. Luck has a particular habit of favoring those who don’t depend on it.

Remember, nothing compares with your ability to choose your circumstances. Make the right decision rather than making your decision right.