Silence 21

Here are 21 random thoughts on silence, this is not so silent act, is it?

  1. is the secret to sanity;
  2. can force anyone to slow down, think and act;
  3. is the hardest argument to deal with;
  4. keeps you out of gossiping;
  5. is an awesome way to connect to the world which is not known to you otherwise – your subconscious mind;
  6. is a noise easy to misinterpret;
  7. equals effective listening and more;
  8. is an integrity renovator;
  9. heals almost any pain;
  10. is full of potential wisdom;
  11. is as deep as infinity;
  12. is the rattling infinite of being;
  13. is the true friend that never betrays ~ Confucius;
  14. costs nothing;
  15. is the source of great strength ~ Lao Tzu;
  16. is right here in you, at every moment of your life;
  17. it allows the entire universe to be;
  18. is one of the most powerful communication tools;
  19. makes you learn more about the people around you;
  20. most of us know how to use it but very few of us actually leverage it;
  21. is the island of peace; so start leveraging it, right now!